By: Valentina Sánchez - International Business Intern CCJCI

Japan has always stood out for being an innovative nation in its technology, being one of the leaders in the development of Artificial Intelligence, currently Japan is in third place in the world economy, being one of the richest nations, it ranks 27th In the global digital competition, Japan has always been considered an advanced country since time immemorial, since while several countries are adapting to some technologies up to now, Japan had already introduced them in its day-to-day life and is also already working on various improvements. of these technologies, in addition, Japan also offers different opportunities to companies and people to promote knowledge on the subject of innovation and technology, receiving results of continuous improvement as a country in its quality, in its added value, new customer needs , among other aspects, thus increasing its competitiveness in the industry, holding various events, both small local and large. Andes multinationals which provide knowledge in the area of technology, medicine, sports, special science and most of all in robotics.
Japan has been using AI to address social and economic challenges. The country is expected to continue to lead the development of AI in the future, in addition, there are several leading companies in AI development, such as Sony, Toyota, Panasonic, Nintendo, Canon, and Komatsu Limited. These companies have been developing AI technologies in various fields such as robotics, natural language processing, computer vision, and data analysis.
This is based on a set of systems that are used within a machine so that it is independent and performs activities very similar to those that a human being can perform, based on various information that is collected and entered said system about the being. thus, significantly improving innovation in technology. Currently we can see how Artificial Intelligence can be found in almost everything and how it is taking over, improving and facilitating the life of the human being, helping them to carry out tasks in less time, doing them at any time of the day or providing different ideas and routes for performing some tasks.

Likewise, we can observe it in things as close as computers, which can be designed or trained to perform tasks such as processing large data on any format and recognizing the pattern of said data to improve the programming of this and other machines. the car, such as the recommendation and warning engines on the roads, if there are problems on the road, if there are cameras on the road, among others, Cell phones also use this intelligence to improve the quality of the service, allowing them to understand more quickly the problems and needs that each person has, providing them with more efficient solutions.

Currently, artificial intelligence is not yet capable of generating images from your thoughts in the way that the human brain does. Although artificial intelligence technology has advanced significantly in recent years, it still cannot directly read brain activity or interpret a person's thoughts. However, there is ongoing research in the field of neuroscience seeking to better understand how the brain processes visual information and how it relates to mental images. This could help develop technologies that can interpret and generate various images from brain activity.
Today researchers from the Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences at Osaka University in Japan are in the process of developing the new Artificial Intelligence that will be able to read people's brain waves and convert them into an image to give a better understanding of what is wanted. Express, These researchers have already carried out studies on different volunteers in which they did a series of activities before in order to stimulate their brain and at the time of carrying out the study obtain better results, among those results they found that the characteristics that stood out the most In those results that came out were the colors, the position and the perspective of different elements which makes them not exactly the same as what they thought but showing the most essential.

• Innovación y tecnología en Japón: lecciones por aprender, Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos.
• Japón evita la recesión en el cuarto trimestre, pero no supera las expectativas, El País, periódico.
• 5 empresas japonesas líderes mundiales de su sector, EAE Business School.
• El aporte de los robots en China y Japón para la contención del coronavirus, Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile.
• Inteligencia Artificial, Qué es IA y Por Qué Importa, SAS Software.
• ¿Qué es la IA? Conoce la inteligencia artificial, Oracle.
• QUÉ ES LA INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL, Centro Europeo de Postgrado y Empresa.
• Esta inteligencia artificial es capaz de generar imágenes a partir de tus pensamientos, Hipertextual.
• Desarrollan una IA capaz de 'leer tu mente' y generar imágenes sobre lo que estás pensando, 20 Minutos.
• Científicos crean IA capaz de leer la mente a través de resonancias magnéticas, Editora El Comercio.